Back to School!

If your social media feeds look anything like ours, your timeline has suddenly filled up with “First Day” photos.  Pre-K to College kids are going to school and parents are celebrating (or lamenting) the passage of time.  While we can’t assuage the pain of watching the kids take their first steps away from home, we can help you plan your next joyous reunion or getaway!

Call our friendly and experienced travel specialists today to book your next family vacation.  Have a blast together this Winter Break somewhere sunny!  Plan the party of a lifetime over Spring Break.  No matter what the occasion, Travel Leaders – Travel Center can get you there!


8 Days in Taiwan (Part 1)

On the heels of the news that Taiwan elected it’s first woman president, I have Taiwan photos from my trip earlier this month to share!  If you’ve been on either of our most popular social media networks (Facebook and Instagram), you’ve seen SOME of the photos.  Taiwan is a beautiful country with at least 4 different climates through it’s varying landscapes: sub-tropical, tropical, temperate, and tundra in the high mountains. We learned so much about culture, religion, language and life in Taiwan, there is no way I could cover it all in a blog post, but if you’ll indulge me, I’ll do my best!  (All photos belong to Leilani Adams unless otherwise noted.)

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Springtime in Victoria, British Columbia

Recently, I had the opportunity to take a trip with Clipper Vacations to the lovely city of Victoria, British Columbia!  To my recollection, the last time I had visited that happening little harbor, I was barely old enough to drive, so I leapt at the chance to cross the border to our friendly neighbors up north.  Majestic sights, delicious eats, and super swanky digs that everyone is sure to enjoy await those who venture into “The Garden City”. Continue reading

Meet the Team: Kim!

Kim J.It’s Travel Agent Tuesday here at Travel Leaders!  This week, the spotlight is on: Kim!

Kim has been making dreams come true in the travel business for close to 30 years.  She continues to travel extensively across the world, with Europe and Africa being her favorites.  Kim recently returned from a culinary river cruise through France and Barcelona and she says it was definitely the highlight of 2014!

Kim won the National Travel Leaders “Agent of the Year” for 2013 and still has been the only vacation agent to do so.  We couldn’t be more proud (and thankful!) to have her on the Travel Leaders / Travel Center Inc. team!

To meet other members of the Travel Leaders / Travel Center team, visit our website or call 1-800-935-0123 today!

Travel Terms: Race-cation & Running Tours

Be honest, your eyebrow went up when your read that first term.  I know mine did.  Being (relatively) new to this industry, I’ve noticed there are LOTS of words/phrases related to the who/what/when/where/why of travel that make me do a double-take. I will endeavor to de-mystify some of these words and help YOU turn heads during your next conversation by dropping some insider knowledge about these growing trends in travel!

Great North Run - Photo from Wikipedia Commons

Race-cations, aka “Race Vacations” are vacations centered around a participating in a race.  Athletes may arrive a couple days in advance to get rested and dispel jet lag before the big day, then they marathon, triathlon, Tough Mudder, or what have you before spending the next few days relaxing, reveling and refueling in their new surroundings before heading home.

Another activity, popular among the business travel jetsetters are running tours.  You need to go to the gym after work, but it’s also your only evening to go see the sights before leaving the following morning.  Don’t stress — do both!  Runners can plan solo tours with a personal trainer or make it a social event by running with a small group.  Designated stops for photos are built in, complete with stories from each group’s tour guide/personal trainer.

Not a runner?  There are plenty of other health and wellness vacations on the rise out there.  If you need help finding a fun new destination to play your favorite sport or activity, drop us a line and we can get you there!

Travel Agents: Better than a Legion of Unicorns

Wall paintings have depicted travel agents since the dawn of time.  (This painting just happened to adorn the walls of a law school in Mexico.)

It’s recently come to my attention that most of the general public regards travel agents as mythical creatures that only exist in the imaginations of those born in a world before the internet.  During introductions, our job title is generally repeated back to us with gasps of surprise, generally followed by furrowed brows of disbelief.  Whispers of our legendary powers, such as like super speedy flight changes and the ability to make perfect reservations appear out of thin air, echo through hallowed hotel halls and airport terminals.  Though we are flattered reverence our title is given, Travel agents are not urban legends of a bygone era — we DO exist!  And our numbers are many.  What’s better, our purpose is to make YOU look like a vacation planning rock star!

(Note: Further understanding about the existence of travel agents is believed to have started with the wall painting depicted above, uncovered recently on the walls of a law school in Southern Mexico.  To know more, please read “7 Things I Learned: My First Fam” )

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